Namibia Travel Guide
This site contains almost all of the text of the 2nd (2004) edition of Namibia: The Bradt Travel Guide, by Chris McIntyre. The first edition of this guidebook was published in 1998 – and has been amended several times since. That first edition was itself built on research for earlier Bradt guidebooks, to Namibia & Botswana, which were co-authored by Chris in the 1990s. This website omits the maps, and a few very small sections of text which weren't appropriate for the web, but otherwise – it's all here. (Well … we had to leave something out just so you'll buy the book!) It is planned to supercede this edition with a third edition, in early 2007. Click on the Namibia cover below to enter the guide – then see the left side of the contents page for a menu list of the sections, and the right side for a keyword search of the book.