Namibia Travel Guide
Namibia Travel Guide
People and culture
Ethnic groups

Namibia Travel Guide


The Caprivi people live in the fertile, swampy land between the Chobe and Zambezi rivers – at the eastern end of the Caprivi Strip. Their language is of the Bantu family. Like the Kavango and the Owambo, they farm a variety of crops, raise livestock, and fish. The agricultural potential of the area is one of the highest in Namibia. However, this potential has been largely unrealised. Before the war with Angola, and the heavy involvement of South African troops (which brought roads and infrastructure), the whole of the Kavango and Caprivi region was one of the least developed in Namibia.

Caprivians make up about 4% of Namibia's population, and most can be considered as members of one of five main groups: the Masubia and Mafwe groups, and the smaller Mayeyi, Matotela and Mbukushu. Their traditional crafts include extensive use of baskets (especially fish traps, and for carrying grain), wooden masks and stools, drums, pottery, leather goods and stone carvings.

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